Acupuncture and Seasonal Allergies Symptoms of running nose, sneezing, and watery itchy eyes that recur during specific parts of the year (especially Spring and Fall) are a cause of much suffering of a large segment of the U.S. population. Millions of dollars are...
Free Intro to Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Acupuncture Seminar When: December 15th 2011 at 7:oo pm Where: Thrive Acupuncture Center What: An introduction to Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Also, we will be introducing our latest and greatest Massage Therapist. Why: You'll learn a lot of of great and useful...
Holiday Gift Certificates
Events, News and Specials!!! Holiday Gift Certificates are available! Give the greatest gift of and well-being! We have gift certificates for Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, stop smoking packages, weight loss packages and nutritional counseling. Stop in and...
Free Consultation
Receive a Free Consultation with Kevin Berger Dipl. OM. L.Ac. at Thrive Acupuncture Center in Boyertown, PA. Offer expires 5/01/2011